Several months have passed you by, but unfortunately you have not set off your writing. Your supervisor might have asked you to submit a draft of your thesis, but you will be cringing at the moment as you are still at the starting point. You may have begun writing several times, but something might have got in the way. This keeps carrying on, and it eventually brings down the curtain on your PhD career. This blog shares information about how you can start writing your thesis.
You must have tried to write your research paper several times, but you will be struggling with where and how to start. Despite the huge collection of research material, you will be tempted to find more papers, books and articles with the hope that something can remove writer’s block. However, you are not alone. Before taking the plunge, you should ask yourself the following questions.
What do you want to write up?
If you are running several projects simultaneously, you will be anxious about completing your thesis all the time, but you remain clueless when you are asked which chapter you are going to write next. If you do not know what to write next, how will you be able to set forth thesis writing?
If you are occupied with multiple projects, you should think about which one you will begin with. You should start with the one that will have the most significant impact on your career, or the one that is easiest to write up, or the one that you have the most control over.
Why do you want to write this up?
You should have an impulse if you want to stick to your writing. You know that you have to write drafts or chapters, but you do not think about why you need to write them. You can avoid procrastination if you have the motivation to write your thesis.
Think of the reasons for writing it, for example, you want to write BECAUSE it will have a good impact on your career, you have a unique discovery that you want to share with the world, you want to finish it so you can move on in your life, or you want to leave your mark in the research field. These positive reasons will let you stay motivated and complete your research as soon as possible. Do not think of any reason that will cause adverse effects on you such as you want to prove yourself to your parents.
What is the deadline for completing your thesis or paper?
One of the biggest reasons for not having thesis finished is no deadlines. Timeline forces you to keep writing. To have your writing done, you need to have a deadline otherwise you will keep putting off your work.
For this purpose, take a diary and note down all events like conferences, occasions, and meetings with your supervisors. Schedule various stages of your writing within the deadline and send over your drafts to your supervisor as you finish them.
Now you have got clarity what you have to do to set out your writing and complete it within time.